Knowledge Concepts​

Knowledge Concept


The Policies of a Knowledge Degrees​

1981 Great Britain Professional Awarding Body UK Certified Knowledge Association (UKCKA) and UK-Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CCL) Executive Board of Trustees and Governors came up in early 2018 the need of Knowledge Degree awarding University. This was made possible due to the fact of 1981 UKCA’s Memorandum Article, which gave the option to execute the mission and vision of UKCKA’s Executive Board of Trustees and Governors to be a reality. UKCKA’s Founder’s Policies in 1981 to come up with a university by incorporating with the option to form any number faculties as they may need necessary.

This is the foundation to incorporate a University as a Venture Partner to offer Legitimate Credit Worthy Blended Distance Tutorial Knowledge Learning Management Degree. University.

Knowledge Concept


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">The Policies of a Knowledge Degrees

1981 Great Britain Professional Awarding Body UK Certified Knowledge Association (UKCKA) and UK-Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CCL) Executive Board of Trustees and Governors came up in early 2018 the need of Knowledge Degree awarding University. This was made possible due to the fact of 1981 UKCA’s Memorandum Article, which gave the option to execute the mission and vision of UKCKA’s Executive Board of Trustees and Governors to be a reality. UKCKA’s Founder’s Policies in 1981 to come up with a university by incorporating with the option to form any number faculties as they may need necessary.

This is the foundation to incorporate a University as a Venture Partner to offer Legitimate Credit Worthy Blended Distance Tutorial Knowledge Learning Management Degree. University.

After long research, it was made possible to execute the desire of UKCKA in Bulgaria of European County in August 2018. Now it is known as the One World Knowledge University (OWKU) of Bulgaria, European Union. The Aim and Objective of this unique mission and vision of a person’s Lifelong Blended Distance Tutorial Work Based Knowledge Ability to convert into a Lifelong KnowledgeLearning Degree.This notion will elevate every Hands-on Working Person, who has no time available to attend a regular TraditionalAcademic University to confirm his/her Knowledge Ability. The methodology of Hands-on Work Tutorial Knowledge Learning Policies of UKCKA can facilitate the equivalent level of Knowledge Qualification by way of Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS)by taking into account Lifelong Blended Hands-on Knowledge Learning. This procedure of Assessment and Verification will confirm the Knowledge Ability.Flexible Professional Knowledge Degree is characteristically conferred as a way of honoring a distinguished ground-breaking matured working person’s contributions in a specific field of employment or general business enterprises to confirm the Flexible Knowledge Capability. The OWKU’s Flexible Professional Lifelong Knowledge Tutorial Learning Degree is considered virtuously on Work-Based Hands-on Lifelong Tutorial Learning to confer the appropriate Professional Knowledge Post Graduate Diplomas, Master or Doctorate Degree Awards.

After long research, it was made possible to execute the desire of UKCKA in Bulgaria of European County in August 2018. Now it is known as the One World Knowledge University (OWKU) of Bulgaria, European Union. The Aim and Objective of this unique mission and vision of a person’s Lifelong Blended Distance Tutorial Work Based Knowledge Ability to convert into a Lifelong KnowledgeLearning Degree.

This notion will elevate every Hands-on Working Person, who has no time available to attend a regular TraditionalAcademic University to confirm his/her Knowledge Ability. The methodology of Hands-on Work Tutorial Knowledge Learning Policies of UKCKA can facilitate the equivalent level of Knowledge Qualification by way of Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS)by taking into account Lifelong Blended Hands-on Knowledge Learning. This procedure of Assessment and Verification will confirm the Knowledge Ability.

Flexible Professional Knowledge Degree is characteristically conferred as a way of honoring a distinguished ground-breaking matured working person’s contributions in a specific field of employment or general business enterprises to confirm the Flexible Knowledge Capability. The OWKU’s Flexible Professional Lifelong Knowledge Tutorial Learning Degree is considered virtuously on Work-Based Hands-on Lifelong Tutorial Learning to confer the appropriate Professional Knowledge Post Graduate Diplomas, Master or Doctorate Degree Awards.

The innovative notion of OWKU came up with considering the matured person’s Knowledge earned by way of Lifelong Hands-on Work Experience Knowledge and to elevate their career prospects by conferring a Non-Orthodox, Flexible Professional Knowledge Degree with the option to use the legitimate title of DKMgt (EU) for Doctorate, MKMgt(EU) for Master and PGDip.KMgt(EU) after their names. Work-Based Non-Academic Knowledge Higher Education, resulting in a Generic Doctorate where candidates undertake to project their professional successful activities and offering a special university award of Doctor of Professional (DProfs).

The Lifelong Blended Work Knowledge Degrees are focused specifically on Matured Work Experienced Professionals with a mix of taught workshops and lifelong work experience over Twenty-Five Years for Knowledge Doctorate, Fifteen Years for Masters andTen Years For Post Graduate Diploma as a compulsory condition. The personal detailed profile as the Assignment and Dissertation and Compulsory Attendance of Three Oral Examinations.

The University of Chester’s DProfs is an extension of its existing negotiated work-based programs taking this into account recently led to the development of similar doctorates in other UK universities, such as the University of Chester. Without share of a doubt, the Flexible Lifelong Blended Knowledge Degree Qualifications are confirming the Professional Knowledge Capability this can be categorized as equivalent to the Traditional Orthodox Class Room Modular Learning Degrees. A similar awarding concept was pioneered by Pace University in the year 1906 as a Private, Co-Educational, and Comprehensive Multi-Campus University in the New York Metropolitan Area with campuses in New York City and Westchester County, New York.

This unique innovative Pace University was founded by two brothers, Homer S. Pace and Charles A. Pace, initially as a business school for men and women and progressed to confer a practical degree in conjunction to work Learning & Experiences. Furthermore, the first Professional Executive Doctoral Programme in the United States is known as one of the flagships Professional Knowledge Degrees. But Professional Doctorates became established in the United Kingdom in the 1980s when it was recognized as a high-level vocational program which was designed for work experienced professional practitioners.

“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”